Scholarships and Awards

  • 2012, Partnership Development Seed Grant (PDSG) 2012-13 by Shastri Foundation on the project Expanded Connections: Photography and Artists’ Publications as Collaborative Research with Peter Sramek OCAD University, Canada
  • 2011, UKIERI India UK Study Mission 2011 Grant, (16000GBP) by British Council with Anna Fox, University for the creative arts, Farnham UK to develop students exchange program between NID and UCA
  • 2011, Commonwealth fellowship for developing a split site PhD program and learning about practice based Ph.D in Photography
  • 2008, Received a grant of 50,000GBP from UKERI for developing a twin program for photography Design at NID in Collabo- ration
    with University for Creative Arts, Farnham UK
  • 2006, Photography award, by India Habitat center
  • 1999, Young Artist of the year by Alliance Franciase New Delhi
  • 1997, Kanoria Scholarship, Kanoria Art Centre, Ahmedabad
  • 1996, Inlaks Fine Arts Awar
  • 1994, National Scholarship for Young Artists in different cultural fields by Ministry of Human Resources, Government of India
  • 1996, Fellowship & NET for doing Ph.D. by University Grants Commission
  • 1997, Nominated for Monbusho Scholarship by Government of India
  • 1998, Nominated for Chinese Scholarship by Government of India