Conferences and Journals

  • 2023, Happy Bin, remodifying social behaviors, ICoRD 2023, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Priyabrata Rautray)
  • 2023, A Critical Review of National Education Policy 2020: Role of Twenty-First Century Skills and Scope of Design Education in Indian Schools, The International Journal of
  • Design Education, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Upasna Bhandari)
  • 2023, Testing the Effectiveness of a Design Subject Towards Achieving 21st Century Skills in a 5th Grade Classroom of India, 9th International Conference on Research into Design,
  • (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Upasna Bhandari)
  • 2023, A Visual Design Analysis of Urban Air Mobility for Indian Passengers, ICoRD 2023,
  • (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Ketan Chaturmutha)
  • 2023, “Study and Evaluation of User Interaction and User Experience Design for Development of A Fully Autonomous Passenger Drone Interior Cabin For India”, ICoRD 2023, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Ketan Chaturmutha)
  • 2023, User Experience Design for Development of A Fully Autonomous Passenger Drone Interior Cabin For India, ICoRD 2023, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Meenakshi Mishra)
  • 2023, “A qualitative study on colour trend forecasting in the futuristic passenger vehicles for point-to-point commute in India”, ICoRD 2023, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew,
  • Meenakshi Mishra)
  • 2023, Insider-Insider Observations and Reflections from the Director, Cast and Crew of Table for Two – A Parallel Interactive Narrative in Virtual Reality, ICoRD 2023, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Delwyn Jude Remedios)                                    
  • 2022, Habit and perception towards games and game-based learning in India: A survey study of awareness and experience with digital games, Digital Games Researchers Association, Krakow, Poland 2022, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, C Solanki)
  • 2022, An exploratory study using the first-person role-playing game ‘Tattva Bhoomi’ to improve learning in middle school children: A quasi-experimental study, Innovations Journal, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, C Solanki)
  • 2022, Games as an inherent learning environment: A thematic analysis of the Indian population, 9th International Conference on Research Into Design, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, C Solanki)
  • 2022, “This has been written by a bot”: A study of the SubSimulatorGPT2 subreddit, 9th International Conference on Research Into Design, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, C Solanki)
  • 2022, First-person role-playing game to improve learning in middle school children: A quasi-experimental study in participatory design, Participatory Design Conference, India, 2022,, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, C Solanki)
  • 2022, Workshop on Design Education in India + Asian Design Education Conference
  • 6, 7 and 8 January 2022, Organised by CAAD, ADM, NTU Singapore and IDC, IIT Bombay, India, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, C Solanki)
  • 2021, Curated and Exhibition on Shyamsunderdas Archives at International photo festival, Hyderabad November 18th to 19th December 2021
  • 2021, Design Intervention workshop for Ojha Gonds of Adilabad – 27th September 2021
  • 2021, Teachers training Program for Form Education at DAV School – November 2021 –
  • IIC and DIC
  • 2021, Design teaching program for School Children at DAV School -December 2021 to January 2022- IIC and DIC
  • 2020, Handholding workshop for DIC Spokes of DIC-IITH, Design Innovation Centre,
  • Ministry of Education
  • 2020, Sitar National Camp 2019 (Directorate of Higher Secondary Education,
  • Government of Kerala)
  • 2020, National Jury Member for Wacom Design Challenge 2020
  • 2020, ICoRD 2020, Session Chair
  • 2020, National Webinar on Visual Arts
  • 2020, National Conference on Innovation in Visual Arts (NCIVA ’18)
  • 2020, Workshop on Advertising Photography, Raja Ravi Verma, College of Fine Arts
  • 2014, Workshop on photography for children at Kilkari, Patna
  • 2014, Resource person and Camp leader, Camp organized by the Lalit Kala Akademy, Kerala for the state award winners in photography
  • 2014, Workshop on “The Art of Seeing” at Design and Degree Show 2014, Industrial Design Center, IIT Bombay
  • 2014, Workshop on Lighting and image making for post graduate students at Maharaja Sayajirao Institute of Design
  • 2013, Workshop on Cyanotype and traditional Printing at Dept. of Applied Arts,
  • College of Fine Arts Trivandrum
  • 2008, Workshop on photography conducted on Ahmedabad Places and Spaces with Anna Fox, to be published as a book
  • 2006, Prosthetic Make up workshop with Sean Foot (Hollywood)