
  • 2022, Design briefs, “Review, reframing briefs and analysis of a study”,  acccepted with revision in the International Journal of Design Education. (The paper has cleared all the submission requirements and is in the copy-editing queue), (Mamata N. Rao and Prof. Deepak John Mathew), “Influence of ‘Artefact’, ‘Activity’ and ‘Design Value’ based Need Statements on Solution Outcomes”, has been accepted for presentation at The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education (ECADE2022). This conference is from 7th – 10th July 2022, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Mamata N. Rao)
  • 2022, Book Chapter Selected for final review stage. Book title: Exhibiting Virtual Bodies
    Chapter Title: Parallel Interactive Narratives in Virtual Reality (PIN VR) – Connecting cinema, interactive experiences and VR, Editors: Jordan Harris Frith, Michael Saker, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Delwyn Jude Remedios, Max Schleser)
  • 2022, Paper published at 2nd International Conference at Indian Institute of Crafts & Design
    Title: An experiment to preserve oral traditions through 360-degree virtual reality animation film (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Delwyn Jude Remedios) ISBN: 978-93-5473-781-7
  • 2022, Title: Table for Two – A multi-genre Parallel Interactive Narrative in Virtual Reality (PIN VR), Conference: Arts & Communities post graduate research symposium, UK 2022,
  • (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Max Schleser, Delwyn Jude Remedios)
  • 2022, Article Name: Evaluation of gender identity through fashion photographs: A qualitative study, Publication/ Publisher: Dr. Toolika Gupta, Indian Institute of Crafts & Design, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302004, Date: 02-May-2022, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Indranil Saha)
  • 2022, Panel Presentation at Immersive Storytelling Symposium, UK 2021
    Title: Table for Two-Designing and Developing Parallel Interactive Narratives in Virtual Reality
    (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Max Schleser, Delwyn Jude Remedios)
  • 2022, Paper presented at Humanizing Work and Work Environment Conference (HWWE) IIT Guwahati. Title: Rotating Cylindrical PIN VR Display – An ergonomic approach for VR scripts
    (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Max Schleser, Delwyn Jude Remedios)
  • 2022, Factors affecting Engagement in Digital Educational Games
    India HCI 2021 (, 128-132 (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, C Solanki)
  • 2022, Thematic analysis of 255 most-interacted pandemic-related comics on Reddit ComIN’21 – 2nd International Conference on Indian Comics (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, C Solanki)
  • 2022, Games as an inherent learning environment: A thematic analysis of the Indian population (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, C Solanki)
  • 2022, 9th International Conference on Research Into Design, Automating learning through developing effective educational games: A case study of ‘Tattva Bhoomi’ (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, C Solanki)
  • 2022, 9th International Conference on Research Into Design, “This has been written by a bot”: A study of the SubSimulatorGPT2 subreddit, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, C Solanki)
  • 2022, A qualitative study on colour trend forecasting in the futuristic air passenger vehicles for point-to-point commute for India, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Meenakshi Mishra)
  • 2022, Study and evaluation of user behavior and user experience design for development of fully autonomous futuristic passenger drone interior cabin for India,(Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Meenakshi Mishra, Ketan Chaturmutha)
  • 2022, “Implementing 21st Century Pedagogical Requirements in a Lesson Plan Design and Development of a Lesson Plan for fifth grade in an Indian School” ( (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Upasana Bhandari)
  • 2022, “A Critical Review of National Education Policy 2020: Role of 21st Century Skills and Scope of Design Education in Indian Schools” at  International Journal of Design Education (Accepted with revision. The paper is under final inspection by the editorial team), (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Upasana Bhandari)
  • 2022, Icord’23 Conference, Digital Documentation and heritage preservation of traditional Dhokra artefacts of the Gond tribe through the intervention of 3D technology, (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Krishna Trivedi, Aso. Prof. Flavia Marcello)
  • 2022, Icord’23 Conference, Design Intervention workshop  as an attempt to provide a sustainable livelihood for the Dhokra craftsmen of the Ojha community of Adilabad (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Krishna Trivedi)
  • 2021, Context of Design Innovation: Development of Practice Support in accordance with Design Research Method- ology for enabling Creation of Value, Deepak John Mathew, Doji Samson Lokku
  • 2021, A conceptual design of immersive learning system in virtual reality for learning art and design (Poster presentation), (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Sumana som), Designing for Children with focus on ‘Play and Learn. IIT Bombay(January 2021)
  • 2021, The Influence of Personal traits on Indian Millennial’s Adoption of 3D Printed Fashion Products. (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Indranil Saha)
  • 2021, Harnessing immersive technology with art and design: A conceptual design procedure with the aid of virtual reality” (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Sumana som)
  • 2021, Enhancing creative learning: Application of virtual reality technology in classroom environment” (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Sumana som)
  • 2021, Digital Preservation of the Qutb Shahi Monuments: Archiving Architecture for Historical Architecture. (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Chaitanya Solanki)
  • 2021, Developing the P.O.L.E Framework for User Subjective Experience.
  • (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Chaitanya Solanki)
  • 2021, Article writing for the Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games: 3D Game Asset Generation of Historical Architecture Through Digital Archiving (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Chaitanya Solanki)
  • 2021, Additive Manufacturing – enabling digital artisans
  • (Prof. Deepak John Mathew, Priyabrata Rautray)
  • 2020, A practice-based approach to design education (Nord Design 2020) Sharma, B., Roy, A., & Rautray, P. (2020). A practice-based approach to design education. DS 101: Proceedings of NordDesign 2020, Lyngby, Denmark, 12th-14th August 2020, 1-10
  • 2020, Bio-Bricks: Circular economy and new products Priyabrata Rautray1, Avik Roy2, Deepak John Mathew1, and Boris Eisenbart3 1 IIT Hyderabad, 2 KIIT Bhubaneswar, 3 Swinburne University Melbourne
  • 2020, Understanding and evaluating the needs of a respiratory assessment device for community health Nibedit Dey1 and Priyabrata Rautray2 1 Ibrum Technologies, Bangalore, India, 2 Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India
  • 2020, Understanding and finding issues related to root-canal treatment procedure from a design perspective Priyabrata Rautray1, Dr Vikas Sahu2, Nibedit Dey2, and Deepak John Mathew1, 1 IIT Hyderabad, 2 Aidia Health Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad
  • 2019, Ethical Ideologies in Purchasing Attitudes Towards Counterfeit Fashion Brands              
  • Dr. Deepak John Mathew, Indranil SahaIcord’19 (January 2019) Springer
  • 2019, A Study on Consumer Awareness towards Green Fashion in India,
  • Deepak John Mathew, Indranil Saha, Upasna BhandariIcord’19 (January 2019) Springer
  • 2019, Social Network Analysis of Indian Bridal Fashion through Social Media Mining Dr. Deepak John Mathew, Indranil Saha, Shounak Kundu SAIF’19 (May 2019) NIFT Kannur (To be published in a journal)
  • 2019, Perceptions and Dynamics Affecting Acceptance of 3D-Printed Bridal Lehenga in India Dr. Deepak John Mathew, Indranil Saha I – 4AM’19 (June 2019) Springer (To be published)
  • 2019, Evaluation of Gender Identity through Fashion Photographs: A Qualitative Study Dr. Deepak John Mathew, Indranil Saha International Conference on Recent Trends and Sustainability in Crafts & Design. (November 2019)              IICD Jaipur (to be published)
  • 2019, Mismatch of Education and Job: A study on Design Professionals in India
  • Dr. Deepak John Mathew, Upasna Bhandari Icord’19 (January 2019) Springer
  • 2019, A Study on Consumer Awareness towards Green Fashion in India Dr. Deepak John Mathew, Indranil Saha, Upasna Bhandari Icord’19 (January 2019) Springer
  • 2019, Exploring Play and Learn Methodology and its effectiveness among Middle School Students in India Dr. Deepak John Mathew, Upasna Bhandari, Designing for Children with focus on ‘Play and Learn To be published in November 2020
  • 2019, Bio-Brick: Development of sustainable and cost-effective building material Dr. Deepak John Mathew, Dr. Boris Eisenbart, Priyabrata Rautray, Avik Roy ICED 2019 Cambridge University Press
  • 2019, “Design and Development of Autonomous Passenger Drone” Dr. Deepak John Mathew, Priyabrata Rautray, Poster presentation at 69th Annual General Meeting and National Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Opportunities and Challenges, at IICT Auditorium Tarnaka, Hyderabad 2018 Poster Presentation
  • 2019, Life-Raft: Autonomous ambulatory drone Dr. Deepak John Mathew, Dr. Boris Eisenbart, Priyabrata Rautray Swinburne Research Conference 2019 Poster Presentation
  • 2019, The Monolithic Temples of South India: Architectural Proto-Types, Pedarapu Chenna Reddy Eds., History, Culture and Archaeological Studies: Recent Trends, Dr Deepak John Mathew, Parthiban Rajukalidoss. Edited Volume (2019) BR Publishing Corporation, Delhi
  • 2017, Eliminating Municipal Solid Waste in Public Places: Designer’s Life Experiences towards Exploring Design Solutions- A Study. Dr. Deepak John Mathew, K.V. Rakhin, 2017, Proceedings, International Conference on Creativity and Cognition in Art and Design (ICCCAD 2017). NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bangalore. 19-21 January 2017. CCCAD 2017 Proceedings
  • 2019, “Design Innovation Dimensions and Bottom of the Pyramid Market Principles: A Study to bring these together for an Approach to address Quality of Living” Deepak John Mathew,Doji Samson Lokku, IASDR 2019 – International Association of Societies on Design Research.September 2019, Manchester, UK
  • 2019, Addressing Transformation of Businesses: An Approach based on Service Innovation with Design Innovation as an Enabler Deepak John Mathew, Doji Samson Lokku, QUIS 16 (Services Conference) June 2019, Karlstad, Sweden
  • 2019, “Leveraging Design Innovation for ensuring Creation of Value: An Approach to identify the corresponding design concerns towards enabling the design practice”. Deepak John Mathew, Doji Samson Lokku, Prasad S Onkar, ICoRD 2019 – International Conference on Research into Design January 2019, IISc Bangalore
  • 2019, Work-Aid for Social Innovations based on Bottom of the Pyramid market principles and Design Innovation dimensions Deepak John Mathew, Doji Samson Lokku, Frontiers in Services September 2018, Austin, Texas, USA
  • 2019, Photographs: A Visual Research Method Tool in Design Process Dr Deepak John Mathew, Ankana Sen, WDO World Design Assembly Oct 2019, Hyderabad
  • 2019, Frameworks for Exploring Artificial Intelligence as a technique in Computer Generated Art               Dr Deepak John Mathew, Joseph Tsukka Seeing A.I in Fashion (SAIF 2019), NIFT Kannur Conference Paper
  • 2019, An experiment to preserve Oral Traditions through 360 Degree Virtual Reality Animation Film Dr. Deepak John Mathew, Delwyn Jude Remedios,              International Conference on Recent Trends and Sustainability in Crafts and Design (November, 2019) published: November, 2019
  • 2019, Parallel Narratives in Cinematic Virtu al Reality Delwyn Jude Remedios, Dr. Deepak John Mathew WDO World Design Assembly Poster Presentation: October 2019
  • 2019, Review of Transformative technology and related pedagogy in School: Teaching learning Practice to foster creativity, Deepak John Mathew, Sumana Som, Kim Vincs
  • WDO World Design Assembly Conference Proceedings
  • 2018, Doctoral Studies in Design: A Review of Research on Design as a Practice. Deepak John Mathew, Doji Samson Lokku, Prasad S Onkar, Insight 2018: Design Research Symposium. October 2018, NID Ahmedabad
  • 2018, A study on evolution of regional photographic practices during 1890-1940 in hill kingdom of Punjab Province Dr. Deepak John Mathew, Ankana Sen 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities (ICOAH 2018) Colombo, Sri Lanka Sep 2018, Srilanka
  • 2017, Harnessing Human Creativity through Design Innovation as a formal basis towards arriving at space and scope of practice. Deepak John Mathew, Doji Samson Lokku , “ICCCAD 2017: International Conference on Creativity & Cognition in Art & Design (NID and NIMHANS)” January 2017, Bangalore
  • 2017, Evolution of Design Briefs: Expressions from Professional Design Practice: International Conference on Research in to Design Guwahati
  • 2017, Harnessing Human Creativity through Design Innovation as a Formal Basis towards arriving at the Space and Scope of Practice: International Conference on Creativity and Cognition in Art and Design (ICCCAD)
  • 2017, Creative pedagogy and exploration of self-identity through Art education, International Conference on Creativity and Cognition in Art and Design (ICCCAD) with Sumana Som
  • 2017, Exploring Design Ideas towards Eliminating Municipal Solid Waste in Public Places: A perspective of a Designer’s life experiences – A Study: International Conference on Creativity and Cognition in Art and Design (ICCCAD) with Rakhin. K.V
  • 2013, “The study and Practice of Photography in Indian Context”. Published in Take on Art, Volume 3, issue 12,2013
  • 2013, “Gen-X Documentary photography”. Published in Art and Deal, September 2013.
  • 2013-2014              Written 8 articles in “Indian Architecture and Builder” Magazine titled “Spaces and Frames” which is a column showcases works of photographers who deals with various themes related to their personal expression and architectural spaces from May 2013 to April 2014. (8 articles published)
  • 2013, “Photography: the journey as destination”. Published in Trellis Volume2 issue 8 October 2013.
  • 2013, “Photography and its art and craft: Learning from the Heart”. Published in Trellis Volume 3, June 2013
  • 2012, Presented a paper on “Photography education of India” at “Chayya” the International conference Photography, National Institute of Design
  • 2012-2013, Written 10 articles in “Indian Architecture and Builder” Magazine titled “Inloving memory of” which is a column showcases works of photographers who deals with the theme related to their personal expression from May 2012 to April 2013. (10 articles published)
  • 2011-2012, Written 12 articles in “Indian Architecture and Builder” Magazine titled “Urban Village” which is a column showcases works of photographers who deals with the theme of urban landscapes and life from May 2011 to April 2012. (12 articles published)
  • 2011, “Images of Exoticism early Indian photography“ published in Trellis volume 2,
  • June 2011
  • 2011, “The cultural angle of art “interview with Judith Mara Gutman published in Designed volume 2 issues 3, June 2011
  • 2011, Presented a paper on Photography Education in India at International Center of Photography, New York.
  • 2011, Presented a paper on Indian Photography at “Inside Out” a workshop on photography at University for the Creative arts, UK
  • 2011, Presented “It is there … it is not their Invisible History of Photography” a paper on history of Indian photography at an International conference on history of design at National Institute of Design in collaboration with Victoria and Albert Museum and Royal College of Art London
  • 2011, Presented “Change in Representation in Indian Advertisements, a comparison between pre and post-Globalization.” At the national Seminar at RLV College of music and fine arts Thripunithura Department of applied art, Kerala
  • 2010, “Through the lens” published in Trellis voulme2 issue 5 April 2010
  • 2010, Presented “Images of exoticism” a paper on Indian Photography at the National Seminar organized by UGC, Faculty of Fine Arts MS University of Baroda.
  • 2003, Presented a paper on design Education at Center for Advanced Studies in Education
  • 2000, Published a paper on Digital Photography by Sony  
  • Presented a Paper on Design Education at D&A, New Zealand
  • Many articles published on Art, Design and Photography